Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus.
The disease causes respiratory illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing. You can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your face, and avoiding close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell.
Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Here are some updates on covid-19.
Ruuny Nose
Difficulty Breathing(Severe Cases)
Wash Your Hands Frequently and Often With Soap And Water Or Any Sanitizers. Soap and Sanitizers must contain alcohol upto 60%-90%.
Cover Your Nose While Coughing Or Sneezing. Make sure to keep a hanky with yourself to prevent other from being infected.
Avoid Close contact with those persons who are feeling unwell or have the symptoms of cornavirus like fever, cough, cold etc.
Stay home and self-isolate yourself from other in the household if you are feeling sick.
Stay informed by watching news & Follow the recommending practices.
If you have fever, cough and other symptoms of coronavirus then seek medical care early.